1. This free online converter lets you convert your document and ebook to plain text. Just upload a document file and click on 'Convert file'. After a short time you will be able to download your converted text document. If you have a PDF file with scans or images with text, select the OCR functionality to enable character recognition.
  2. In this video, I show you how to convert a ptx file format to a ptf file format all within Pro Tools.
  3. We will be offering the ptx conversion tool for a very small fee starting the week of January 13, 2020. You will be able to upload the files using a form and then a link will be sent to your email to pay for the conversions.

On popular demand the full functional demo version is being provided with a license of 5 days. After expiry either you procure a perpetual license or again download a new 5-days license.

Overview: The pointzip.exe program can efficiently convert large 3D scans from the PTS or PTX format (produced by Leica's Cyclone and other point cloud software) into the compressed LAZ or the uncompressed LAS format. The corresponding pointUNzip.exe program can convert the compressed LAZ or the uncompressed LAS files back to the original PTS or PTX files.


Most of the vendors provide LiDAR data in LAS format.However, still LAS is not a part of several GIS, Image processing, DEM, and point cloud processing packages.This software provides several utilities that can help in working with LAS files, including:

(a) Interactive display of LAS file contents (header records & point cloud data) in text.
(b) Graphical display of LAS file point cloud.
(c) Stitch the different LAS files of same format in one large LAS file.
(d) Trim LAS file based on a graphically selected area of interest or range of point data records.
(e) Conversion among different LAS file formats.
(f) Convert a LAS file into ASCII file with XYZ and Intensity.
(g) Convert XYZ, Intensity and return number stored in a text file into equivalent LAS file.
(h) Convert whole contents of a LAS file into text file.

This software can be useful for those who wish to use existing GIS or other in-house software for processing LAS file and do not want to invest in procuring the dedicated LiDAR processing software.

LAS Format

Files conforming to the ASPRS LIDAR data exchange format standard are named with an LAS extension. The LAS file is intended to contain LIDAR point data records. The data will generally be put into this format from software (provided by LIDAR hardware vendors) which combines GPS, IMU, and laser pulse range data to produce X, Y, and Z point data. The intention of the data format is to provide an open format which allows different LIDAR vendors to output data into a format which a variety of LIDAR software vendors can use. Software that creates the LAS file will be referred to as “generating software”, and software that reads and writes to the LAS file will be referred to as “user software” within this specification. The format contains binary data consisting of a header block, variable length records, and point data. All data is in little-endian format. The header block consists of a public block followed by variable length records. The public block contains generic data such as point numbers and coordinate bounds. The variable length records contain variable types of data including projection information, metadata, and user application data. (ASPRS, 2003).
Reference: ASPRS LIDAR Data Exchange Format Standard, Version 1.0, May 9, 2003

Copyright Dr.Bharat Lohani, IIT Kanpur
Designed and developed by R K Mishra, IIT Kanpur

In this tutorial, I will tell you about how you can read and write to text file using JavaScript. As we know JavaScript does not have the ability to access the user’s file system so for this we need to run the project on a server. To implement this we use node.js.

In node.js these are one library fs (File-System) which is used to manage all read and write operations. By using the fs module we can read and write files in both synchronous and asynchronous way.

There are many ways in which we can read and write data to file. Lets have a look on each of them one by one.

JavaScript Read and Write to Text File

Opening a ptx file

Method 1: Using Node.js

First is by using writefile and readFile method in node.js environment.


Convert Ptx Files Txt Stock

This is used to write content to file. Its syntax is below:

It has three parameters path, data, callback.

Path: The path is the location of Text File. If the file is to be generated in the same folder as that of the program, then provide the name of the file only. If the file does not exist then the new file will be created automatically.

Convert ptx file to pdf

Data: Second is Data in This parameter we need to pass info that is required to write in the file.

Callback: Last one is the Callback Function in this we pass error string. If the operation fails to write the data, an error shows the fault.


// import fs module in which readFile function is specified.

To run this program enter below command:

>node index.js

Method 2: Using ActiveXObject

Another method is by using a web page ActiveX objects but this method is mainly work in Internet Explorer only.

This ActiveXObject is used to return an instance of a file system library which is used with the CreateTextFile method. This JS method which generates a file defined functions and states a TextStream object to read from or write to the file. It also returns a boolean value on the basis of this we can find out that we can overwrite to the current file or not. So, if you want to add the data to the created file you can use writeline method which is used to add text string to the file.

Using ActiveX objects, the following should be included in your code to read a file:

let newfile=newActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
let openFile=newfile.OpenTextFile('C:testfile.txt',1,true);

Write data to a file:

editFile=fopen('c:MyNewFile.txt',3);// opens the file for writing
fwrite(file,str);// str is the content that is to be written into the file.

Comment down below if you have any queries regarding how to read and write to text file in JavaScript.

Opening A Ptx File

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